Well, I know that several of you out there are reading my blog because some of you are starting to check on me and see if I am okay since I haven't written all week. I am still here, and I'm hanging in there. It has been a really busy week for me. I worked all week, and I did something every evening.
Monday- I went and visited my insurance agent and made changes to all my insurance policies. I also invested in life insurance, so if anything happens to me, there will be money to take care of Abigail. Now, I just have seen about a will. (Yuck...I not a big fan of all of this adult stuff.)
Tuesday- I took a Zumba class, and didn't get home until late. (More about Zumba later.)
Wednesday- I went to dinner at church. Then I noticed that Abigail felt a bit warm. When I got home, I took her temp and discovered that she had a slight fever. About bedtime, she was fussy and restless, so I let her sleep in bed with me. She slept pretty fitfully, so I was up a lot of the night. About 3:00am I noticed she was extremely warm, so I took her temp again. She had a fever of 102, which is high for such a little one. I didn't have any baby Tylenol, since she has never been sick before. So about 3:30 am Abigail and I made a trip to Wal-mart. I'm sure the clerk thought I was crazy for dragging my baby out at such an hour. After getting Tylenol & dog food (Samson had fasted the two previous days), we came home. We were able to catch a couple hours of sleep, but morning definitely came too early.
Thursday- I met a friend for lunch & had another Zumba class after work. Abigail was still running a bit of a fever.
Friday- Abigail's fever finally seemed to disappear. Although, she still has a bit of a stuffy nose. After the funeral, a couple of my friends arranged for me to have a massage. I finally got it arranged for Friday evening. It was exactly what the Doctor ordered! (I have to say, that I love being pampered!) I also had a late dinner and chat with the Velkers, and I fell into bed about 10:00.
Saturday- Another rainy weekend...yuck. I'm ready for some fresh air. After a morning of running errands, I settled in to a task I've been putting off. I wrote about 40 thank you notes, and I'm finally about halfway through my list.
So that was my week in an nutshell. I know that it wasn't too crazy compared to some people, but I'm not used to so much busyness. The only good part was that I too busy to dwell on my loneliness and pain.
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