Last week, we lost three months of computer files at work due to a hard drive crash. I’ve been sitting at my computer for at least 13 hours a day for the past three days trying to put the Humpty Dumpty of data back together again.
On top of working crazy hours, this morning, I found a puddle transmission fluid under my car. Two more days and $400 later, hopefully it will be up and running again.
When I got home from work tonight about 9:30pm, I discovered that Samson, my 115 pound Chocolate Lab, got sprayed by a skunk.
After a rather unsuccessful dog bath to get rid of the stench, I finally fell into bed exhausted. To help me fall a sleep, I was going to play a DVD on my laptop. For some reason I can’t get my nearly new laptop to recognize the DVD player that worked great a couple of days ago.
Striking out with the DVD player, I settled for just going to sleep. Just as I was drifting off to dreamland, one of my neighbors decided to set off a ton of fireworks.
So here I am smelling skunk, listening to fireworks, blogging instead of sleeping, and dreading the fact that I have to go into the office tomorrow on my day off to catch up due to the stupid computer hard drive failure.
On top of working crazy hours, this morning, I found a puddle transmission fluid under my car. Two more days and $400 later, hopefully it will be up and running again.
When I got home from work tonight about 9:30pm, I discovered that Samson, my 115 pound Chocolate Lab, got sprayed by a skunk.
After a rather unsuccessful dog bath to get rid of the stench, I finally fell into bed exhausted. To help me fall a sleep, I was going to play a DVD on my laptop. For some reason I can’t get my nearly new laptop to recognize the DVD player that worked great a couple of days ago.
Striking out with the DVD player, I settled for just going to sleep. Just as I was drifting off to dreamland, one of my neighbors decided to set off a ton of fireworks.
So here I am smelling skunk, listening to fireworks, blogging instead of sleeping, and dreading the fact that I have to go into the office tomorrow on my day off to catch up due to the stupid computer hard drive failure.